From a quite long time, I was thinking to share some useful Linux terminal shortcuts with you. These Linux keyboard shortcuts are very helpful and will speed up your work. As the name suggests shortcuts are simple ways or tricks to do any work quickly. Similarly, our operating systems also support many keyboard shortcuts which we can use to fasten our daily work. Windows shortcuts are very well known, but today I’m going to share some very useful Linux/Unix keyboard shortcuts which you can use on the Linux OS terminal.
Don’t just read the below keyboard shortcuts, open your Linux terminal and try them while reading.
Useful Keyboard Shortcuts for Linux Terminal
1. Ctrl+c: Cancel the running command or task on the terminal.
2. Ctrl+d: Logout from the terminal. It is similar to ‘exit‘ command.
3. Ctrl+e: Moves the cursor to the ‘end‘ of the line.
4. Ctrl+a: Moves the cursor to the ‘beginning‘ of line.
5. Ctrl+u: Remove all the text left of the cursor.
6. Ctrl+w: Remove one word left of the cursor.
7. Ctrl+l: Clear the terminal screen, same as issuing ‘clear‘ command to bash terminal.
8. Ctrl+z: Pauses running command.
9. Ctrl+k: Remove the line after the cursor.
10. Ctrl+r: Reverse lookup of previously used command (Very Useful).
11. Alt+b: Move cursor one word to the left.
12. Alt+f: Move cursor one word to the right.
13. Tab Key: Helps in auto-completing the commands, file or folder name.
14. Ctrl+y: Paste the previously removed test.
Some More Cool Keyboard Shortcuts
15. Ctrl+s: Freeze the Cursor.
16. Ctrl+q: Resume the Cursor.
If you know any other shortcut which you use in your day to day system administration task, please let me know through your comments and I will be adding them here.
I love using shortcuts a lot and will be also adding more shortcuts to this article as I know them, so if you haven’t subscribed to my blog till now, please subscribe it. If you like the article, please share it on social networking sites.